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AASCIF 2024 Annual Conference

Workers' Comp Leaders: Meet the Kalepa team at the AASCIF Annual Conference to learn how our Copilot underwriting platform can power your growth, profitability, and efficiency goals.
1 min

The Kalepa team is heading to Providence for the 2024 edition of the AASCIF Annual Conference. We'll be meeting with workers' comp leaders to showcase our Copilot underwriting platform and discus how we can help you achieve underwriting excellence.

As Robert Etzler, EVP and Head of Workers’ Compensation at Paragon Insurance, noted, "Kalepa's Copilot platform is a game-changer for workers' compensation. With its trailblazing capabilities, we can make informed decisions swiftly and accurately. Our underwriters can focus on the most attractive opportunities and benefit from significant operational efficiencies."

Contact us today to set up time.

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